Whether you’re in the gym, a local park or road running, it’s an exercise that is tough to get into a real routine. There are multiple techniques to use to get into the habit of jogging, and it all depends on your personality. Whether you want to start for weight loss, fitness or a new challenge, here’s a guide on how to start running.
Avoid Injuries: Warm Up
One of most essential things to do before every workout, warming up and stretching your body means you’re less likely to pick up an injury. Even minor injury can be a setback in your journey to enjoying jogging and a small break from the work might mean you start to dread the exercise in future. When considering the best way on how to start running, warming up your ankles, lower and upper legs, back and even arms to reduce any aches or pulled muscles during the run.
Pace Yourself: Set Goals
Being able to run 5km doesn’t come after one light jog. Setting yourself small achievable targets over a period will inspire you to make a bigger target, and you’ll soon begin to notice your stamina is much better than when you started. Some prefer to see how far they can run in a period of time and others prefer to set a distance and record their best time, it’s all a matter of preference and the amount of time you want to spend running.
How to Start Running: Performance Clothing
In the beginning, it might seem like a good idea not to invest in the workout and to wear old gym clothes and you current trainers. Doing this isn’t the best way to motivate yourself, wearing performance leggings that use compression technology to support your muscles. Purpose designed running shoes are also essential for any new running routine, supporting the foot throughout the run and it will reduce any soreness after that can come from flat or poor footwear choices, performance clothing is one of the best ways understand how to start running with good form and enjoy it.
Eat Well: Look into the best Foods
This can vary between every runner, some prefer a carb loaded meal a few hours before, others prefer to run on an empty stomach. There are scientifically proven ways to run best, but some options can give people stitches or the feeling of being sick, so it might take a few tests to see what works best for you before you go running.
Staying Committed: Running Groups
One of the easiest ways to stay motivated while getting your fitness up is to join a running group. Skipping a solo run or gym session is easy if you’re not going with anyone, but committing to a weekly group means that you won’t want to let them down if you don’t feel quite up for it. Even just running with a partner will spur you on to continue with your progression.
Planning always helps when it comes to running, if you think about your goals, what you’re going to eat, drink and the route you plan to run. As a final motivational tool, creating an upbeat playlist to run to gives you a mental boost to run further.