It is #plasticfreejuly and although we all should aim to be more eco conscious for life, initiatives such as plastic free july are great to bring more awareness on the topic, get more people involved and show in practice that living a more sustainable life is possible for everyone. 


To cause a positive impact we don’t need 10% of the population doing everything right, however if us as a community collectively make simple changes and inspire people around us to do so and help to protect our planet. Let’s be the solution!


Here are some alternatives that you can implement to your routine:


-Reusables cups and bottles


-Menstrual Cups


-Ditching the plastic bags when shopping


-Avoid takeaway food and implement food prep to your routine (check out my Instagram page @luamarchi for plenty of ideas)


-Switch your conventional toothbrush and dishwash sponge/brushes for biodegradable alternativities 


-Use glass and stainless steel food containers


-Use alternatives to plastic wraps such as bees wax wraps


-Buy dried goods such; beans, grains, nuts and flour at bulk food stores


-Swap conventional bin and dog waste bags for compostable biodegradable versions


-Replace your old school tampons/pads to menstruation cups


-Big no no to plastic straws, there is no excuse, you can choose from paper, glass, metal and bamboo alternatives.


-Plastic rasor to safety razor.


Comment here if you are implementing any of this to your routine and please, share with us more ideas and sustainable swaps that you have already made.

Marlena Gabriel